SV9/OH4FR : CQWW SSB Contest 2005 SOSB15m HighPower from Crete Island

The contest was a "One-man-show". I brought the whole stn to the north coast of Crete Island, by car.
That meant 5 days to go down, 2 days to set up the stn, 2 days contest, 1 day removal and another 5 days back
( Yes, I also had 3 weeks of sunny vacation in-between on the south coast together with my wife Maija.
Here I was qrv mobile.).Condx were not as bad as I feared with the sunspotnumber near zero (2300 QSOs).
Thanks to everybody who called me, I had great fun in the pileup!

Mobile operation from the south coast

SV9/OH4FR/m at the southcoast of Crete.
"beaming" to DL (right to left)

View from the mobile-OP-position

2 stones as last aid from crashing 50m down

Elevation, maxgain:-0,3dBi

Azimuth, F/B: 7dB@ 30°
Raw-model-simulation of the mobil setup
Click on the pictures will show
them in large format.

Mobile QTH

The Contest

Last improvment of the SWR

Bringing up...

...the antenna...

...on the rotor.

Antenna hight 4 m

Antenna hight 13 m

Direction North America

New antenna in town...

Contest QTH

The antenna for 15m and 20m

The station>


My wife Maija, who made the contest
possible by supplying me with delicious food.

This QSL card was sent to all stations I worked in the contest.
